Published onJune 7, 2024Understanding TypeScript's Omit<T, K> Utility Typetypescript`Omit<T, K>` removes properties `K` from `T` using `Pick` and `Exclude`.
Published onJune 6, 2024TypeScript Exercise - Solving Exercise 4typescriptIn cases where type narrowing is needed for a union type, explicitly declare the return type.
Published onJune 5, 2024TypeScript Exercise - Solving Exercise 3typescriptUnion types can be handled more safely using type guards.
Published onJune 4, 2024TypeScript Exercise - Solving Exercise 2typescriptDuplicate types can be grouped into a common interface and extended using 'extends'.
Published onJune 3, 2024TypeScript Exercise - Solving Exercise 1typescriptDefining types with interfaces enhances reusability.