Published onNovember 30, 2021Handling file or directory names with spacesLinuxTroubleshootingWhen naming files, just ignore the spacebar.
Published onNovember 28, 2021What are `apt` and `brew`?LinuxSimilar to 'Add or Remove Programs' in Windows, but simpler.
Published onNovember 27, 2021What does `ls colors` mean?Terminal`ls colors` configures terminal file colors.
Published onNovember 25, 2021Understanding the difference between Shell and TerminalShellThe Shell processes commands; the Terminal is its interface.
Published onNovember 5, 2021What is the concept of an Automaton?AlgorithmA mathematical model that determines the next state and output based on the current input and state.
Published onOctober 4, 2021Understanding the Loopback AddressWeb127.0.0.1 and localhost refer to the IP address of the current computer, called a loopback address.
Published onAugust 27, 2021How to Use `List Comprehensions` in PythonpythonWrite elegant one-liners to create lists without traditional for loops.
Published onAugust 25, 2021Binary Search in Python Using the `bisect` ModulepythonalgorithmSimplify binary search with bisect module.
Published onAugust 23, 2021Simplifying File I/O in Python with `with - as`pythonLearn how 'with - as' statement makes file handling simpler, safer, and more readable.
Published onAugust 22, 2021What is `inf` in Python?pythonIt is useful for setting initial values in algorithms that find minimum or maximum values.
Published onAugust 21, 2021What is the `zip` function in Python?pythonThe `zip` function merges elements from multiple iterables into pairs, just like a zipper.
Published onAugust 20, 2021Using Character Constants in Python's `string` ModulepythonThe `string` module includes built-in sets such as lowercase and uppercase alphabets, as well as digits.
Published onAugust 18, 2021Understanding the `map` Function in PythonpythonTry using `map` instead of loops to write Pythonic code.
Published onMay 10, 2021Initializing a character with an empty value in CCPythonData-Structure`string[0] = ''` is not allowed in C.
Published onMarch 10, 2021Customizing GitHub 'Languages' section in repositoryGitHubUse a `.gitattributes` file.
Published onMarch 9, 2021Handling uppercase and lowercase transformations in PythonPython`capitalize()`, `title()`, `upper()`, `lower()`, `swapcase()`
Published onJanuary 25, 2021Blank filling issue with `center()` functionPython`center()` function fills the space with blanks while centering.
Published onJanuary 13, 2021How to check installed modules in PythonPythonpip list, pip freeze, pydoc modules, python -c 'help("modules")'
Published onJanuary 12, 2021Understanding `Variable-length unpacking` in PythonPythonx, y, *z = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Published onJanuary 11, 2021Swapping list elements using `Tuple Unpacking` in PythonPythonx, y = y, x
Published onJanuary 10, 2021Multiplying elements in a Python listPythonUsing `prod()` if you use Python over 3.8
Published onJanuary 7, 2021What does 'iterable' mean?Data-StructureAn object that can be iterated over item by item
Published onJanuary 6, 2021What is PEMDAS?mathematicsPEMDAS is a rule that ensures your math operations stay in perfect order.