Published onJanuary 25, 2021Blank filling issue with `center()` functionPython`center()` function fills the space with blanks while centering.
Published onJanuary 13, 2021How to check installed modules in PythonPythonpip list, pip freeze, pydoc modules, python -c 'help("modules")'
Published onJanuary 12, 2021Understanding `Variable-length unpacking` in PythonPythonx, y, *z = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Published onJanuary 11, 2021Swapping list elements using `Tuple Unpacking` in PythonPythonx, y = y, x
Published onJanuary 10, 2021Multiplying elements in a Python listPythonUsing `prod()` if you use Python over 3.8
Published onJanuary 7, 2021What does 'iterable' mean?Data-StructureAn object that can be iterated over item by item
Published onJanuary 6, 2021What is PEMDAS?mathematicsPEMDAS is a rule that ensures your math operations stay in perfect order.